Dr Robin Virgil George, a member, made this submission, and suggests it as ‘Mantra of Florida Block Watch Community‘. He believes “that it is prudent to extend the community’s heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the committed leadership of the Florida Block Watch (FBW) for their effort towards securing the welfare of the community.

The main objectives of the FBW, amongst others, are to:

  • Mitigate criminal activity
  • Engage with various departments within the municipality to ensure that municipal services are delivered
  • Notify members of the community about general matters in the country/community at large that may impact the welfare of the community

However, in a vibrant community such as ours, the welfare of the community should not be the responsibility solely of the FBW. Residents have a collective responsibility in conjunction with the FBW, to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents in our community.

Attaining and sustaining the welfare of the community, as alluded to above may be achievable through a commitment from all residents to live our lives in accordance with the spirit of UBUNTU

What is UBUNTU?

UBUNTU essentially means that a person is a person because of other people. The 5 fundamental principles of UBUNTU embody:

  • Mutual Respect – unbiased regards of the rights of others; recognition of someone’s humanity
  • Dignity – giving and being given recognition, honour and respect
  • Solidarity – mutual support, objectives and standards within a community
  • Compassion – sympathetic consciousness of other peoples’ distress, together with a desire to avoid creating distress for others
  • Survival – support for each other within a community


  • Epitomises moral norms and values
  • Is about respecting others and their rights
  • Is a way of living that prioritises compassion and collective care
  • Is a commitment to looking out for one another, sharing information and creating a culture of vigilance.

For UBUNTU to take root and be sustainable, it requires commitment from residents to:

  • Co-operate with the FBW and support the work undertaken by the FBW
  • Treat each other with mutual respect – treat others as we would want others to treat us
  • Ensure that we avoid behaviour that will infringe upon the rights of others
  • Ensure that we avoid breaching relevant by-laws which have been implemented to protect individual rights and contribute to attaining and sustaining law and order in the community
  • Look out for one another, support each other in times of need
  • Create awareness
  • Build trust and resilience
  • Share ideas that will promote UBUNTU
  • Hold people accountable by reporting suspicious and/or lawless activities to relevant authorities. Remember: nobody is above the law

UBUNTU presents the opportunity and power to unite against the challenges that may threaten the welfare of our community. Through solidarity, we can create a community where trust and mutual support flourishes. Together we are stronger and safer. Let’s embrace the spirit of UBUNTU to create a community we can all be proud of.”  (3 January 2025)